Friday, June 26, 2015

New Puppy: Day 60

We have survived 2 whole months!  Survived might be a bit dramatic, but there have been moments it feels like the correct phrase.  It's been 8 weeks of cleaning up carpets (and bedding, towels, chair coverings, ect.), constantly picking up toys, training, commands, bruises, little sleep, worrying about bring away from home for more than 6 hours, and the phrase 'no bark' on repeat. It's been 60 days of kisses, smiles, cuddles, and so much love.

Marco and I learned the best way to keep him out of his stitches after surgery was to wear a onsie.  Marco was not impressed, but he also didn't have another vet visit.  I have learned philodendrons have a mysterious draw to little puppies, but are not wholly poisonous (thank the creator).   We have learned strawberries are tasty (and hopefully he doesn't find the ones growing on the deck) but tomatoes are not (at least those plants are safe).  And Patrick has learned to play.

I think that's been the greatest gift.  Watching Patrick instigate a wrestling match, or let Marco chew on the other end of his bone, or tug at the other end of Inchy when Marco jumps up on the bed with the stuffed worm has been heartwarming.  Marco has allowed him to enjoy playing with another dog again and Patrick in turn is showing an incredible amount of patience towards his little brother.  They sleep almost touching on the bed.  Marco can jump up and plop down on part of Patrick's legs and he only looks at him now instead of huffing off.  The kisses are going both ways.

That's not to say we don't have our moments of jealousy.  Patrick is allowed to roam free during the day where Marco needs to be kenneled for his own safety.  When I get home I generally have a happy Patrick to greet me and I spend a few moments giving him some personal attention.  But when I go upstairs and open the crate, Patrick blocks Marco from jumping up to say hello to me.  When I'm cuddling with one of the couch, the other is not too happy they are being left out.  We are finding little ways we can spend a few moments of time together and I know the struggle will lessen.

Even with the downs and mostly ups, we are a happy family of three.  I couldn't have imagined how complete our home would feel adding our newest member, but it feels like it was fated.  We are one little healthy, happy pack!